1. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places.

2. Electronic monitors would watch over the public areas so that there would be little crime.

3. * public health workers to eradicate the mosquito and its breeding places;
    * 公共卫生工作者来根除蚊子以及它们繁衍的地方;

4. * public officials to organize and direct projects fighting malaria.
    * 公职人员组织和指导与疟疾作斗争的项目。

5. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press.

6. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press.

7. Below are some predictions made by Richard N. Farmer, who gave his light-hearted opinion of the "World of 2084."
    下面是理查德 N·法默所作的一些预测,他以轻松愉快的心情为 “2084年的世界” 描绘了一幅充满妙趣的图画。

8. We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.

9. Whether consciously or subconsciously (下意识地), much of the public driven by work ethics (伦理) feels that you've somehow "asked for it",
    不管是有意识还是无意识地,许多职业伦理观念强的公众会觉得, 你的失业是 "自找的",是暗自故意想丢掉自己的工作,以自己的态度来与失业 "玩一把"-- 很可能是你故意穿得怪模怪样以达到这一目的。

10. When a Greek philosopher said 2,000 years ago that it isn't events that matter but our opinion of them, this is what he was talking about.